June 20, 2011

Job Club is Moving!

The workforce development team would like to announce that Job Club is moving from Thursdays at 5pm to Tuesdays at 9am.  We will be holding our first Job Club at the new time this Tuesday (June 21st) in the large conference room.  We look forward to seeing everyone there!

June 14, 2011

Leveraging Linked In

Are you Linked In?  If not, and you are looking for a job, you should attend an upcoming event at the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living called, Leveraging Linked In.  For more about the ACIL and the courses they offer you should check out this link

So, what is Linked In?  Linked In is an online networking site for professionals to get connected to businesses and community members.  It is also a place to share your resume and your job qualifications.

Below is the information for the Linked In class for June 15, 2011:

Leveraging LinkedIn
Hosted by the Center for Independent Living
June 15, 2011 at 10AM - 12PM
Contact Stephanie Stiles at the CIL for additional Information at (734) 971-0277 X 21
Location 3941 Research Park Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

June 9, 2011


MPRI will be hosting a farm day on Saturday, June 11, 2011.  We would love to have volunteers come out and help us at Livingstones Community Farm, a local favorite for great food!
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please give Melissa Kim a call at 734.327.9717*.

*Please come in clothing you don't mind getting dirty.  Lunch will be provided.

June 6, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

On Saturday, the Workforce Development team hosted a small conference entitled, Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder.  Our attendees had the opportunity to meet, mingle, and ask our community panelist important questions about how to land a job in today's market.

If anyone is interested in any of the handouts or materials we used please feel free to give me a call and I will send you them in an email. 


Looking for the jobs leads list?  Click on our job leads list page!

June 3, 2011

Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder!

We have the conference coming up this weekend!  We look forward to having everyone who signed up at Catholic Social Services this Saturday from 9:45am to 2pm.  Please remember that lunch will be provided and that outerwear should be business casual.

If you have any questions please call 734.327.9717 x685.


May 27, 2011

Employment Workshops Canceled

Just a friendly reminder that workshops will be canceled on Monday, 6.30.11 for memorial day.  We look forward to seeing you at workshops on Tuesday, 6.31.11. 

May 25, 2011

June Serving Together

The workforce development team is hard at work planning for our June conference, Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder.  We hope to see all of the participants who signed up for it on June 4th!

Below, I have included the document for the June Serving Together event.  If you have any questions about serving together please contact Robby Berlin at 734.327.9717 x687.

June Serving Together

May 20, 2011

Suits For Success

 I thought I would leave you this weekend with an article about how our local public defenders are helping our clients get suits so that they can be successful in the workplace!  We were very honored to have so many individuals donate their time and their lightly worn outfits to our organization.  Please take a look at this link if you would like to read the full article.

Also don't forget that our professional conference is happening on June 4th!  We are really excited to have some great presentations and panelist signed up, so we can't wait to see you there.

May 16, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

Good Monday morning!  Over the last few weeks we have talked a lot about tips for making the most of your job search.  One of the topics that we return to over and over are organizational skills.  How well you organize your life will either help or hinder you in the job search.  At MPRI, we even have calendars and planners in the office for those of you who need help with getting planning materials!

Writing everywhere you go in the job search is essential, especially as you find yourself applying for multiple jobs in the community.  You want to know the date, place, manager's name, address/website of the place you applied, and for what position.  At Job Club, we provide job logs with the purpose of helping you keep track of applications, interviews, and positions applied to.

Finally, do not forget about the simple "To-Do" listI found this article which gives some tips about the revamping your "To-Do" list.  And remember, in the end a list is only as good as the person who uses it!

If you are looking for our job leads list please be sure to check out this page!

May 12, 2011

Job Club Tonight: Mock Interview

Today we will be doing Mock Interviews from 5-6pm.  This is a great opportunity to get practice with interviewing and to get personal feedback on how you can land the job!

May 10, 2011

Come Join Us!

Ypsilanti Pride

May 9, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

At MPRI, our goal as workforce developers is to make sure that we equip our returning citizens to be better prepared for the job market.  We do this through workshops, job club, and one-on-one meetings used to improve résumés and cover letters.  In June, we will be organizing a conference entitled, "Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder."  This workshop is designed to help our clients, who have proven themselves to be dedicated and enterprising workers, make their mark in the professional world.

For our clients, I have attached a PDF file version of our invitation.  Space is limited (we are down to three spots).  Please call Alysa at 734.327.9717 if you are interested in attending.

Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder

For our job leads, please be sure to check our job leads page that is put together every Monday by Emily Smith.

May 5, 2011

Job Club Tonight: Behind the Scenes

Job club is a wonderful opportunity to network, engage in relevant job development strategies, and to receive free consultations for interviews.  Rebecca, Emily, and I enjoy preparing presentations utilizing some of the most up to date resources available on job placement and job preparation.  Often, this involves a lot of research.  This may, for instance, involve checking out resources online, in books, or through communication with one of our many community partners.

Through surveys and client feedback, we try to tailor our information for those individuals who have a felony criminal background.  We have often noted that information regarding employment for individuals with felony records is scarce, so we continuously strive to think outside of the box when it comes finding great sources of information.

In addition, we love having guest presentations that really encourage our job club participants to think about how they can market themselves in an often turbulent economic climate.  All three of us enjoy the hard work that it takes to make Job Club a valuable contribution to our workforce development strategy.

If you are a community member, and you would like to learn more about job club and how you can help us make our communities safer by creating better acclimated citizens, please contact the workforce development team at 734.327.9717.

May 3, 2011


Spring is finally here!  We've had some great farming weather, which means that the Livingstone's Community farm is ready to be worked.  The farm is a great way to give back to our community and to meet new people.  Need more convincing?  You should check out this article!

To sign up please contact Amanda Harvanek at 734.327.9717.

May 2, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

A new month means a new chance for great job opportunities.  Emily's job leads are posted on the job leads page.    Please be sure to check and see if any of the opportunities match your qualifications.  Soon, we will share some news about a conference entitled, "Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder."  Stay tuned for more news. 

April 29, 2011

Employment Book Review

Last Friday I talked about the Knock 'em Dead series.  You can check out that post here.  The Knock 'em Dead series also has a book about Cover Letters.  I highly recommend this book for making sure that your cover letter is up to date, interesting, and appropriate for the job you are applying for.

There are chapters about how to write a cover letter along with a lot of examples to give you ideas.  I have included a link to amazon in case you would like to take a peak inside and look at some customer reviews. Remember, the library has copies if you are interested in checking it out.

April 28, 2011

Job Club: In the Interview (HR Presentation)

Have you ever been in an interview and felt tongue tied when you were asked about your felony?  If so, you should come to our job club presentation tonight presented by Rebecca Rowland.  She has made a comprehensive packet to give out and the workforce development team will be present to answer any questions you may have!

Job Club starts at 5pm and is held at Catholic Social Services.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

April 27, 2011

How To Learn New Skills

In my last post on Monday, click here to read it, I talked about broadening your skills to make yourself more marketable to as many industries as possible.  Today, I found this article online.  The article highlights how you can use any opportunity to learn new things, but you have to be the force behind making it happen.

This all helps to get back to the idea that even if you are currently employed part-time or on the Transitional floor, you can never stop your job hunt or stop learning new skills from your employment.  For instance, you may not like your current job as a cashier of a fast food chain, but could you see yourself as the manager of one?  Are you using the skills that you are learning on the Transitional floor to see what other type of industry jobs are opening up around you?

The job hunt, just like learning a new skill, should a be continual process of searching, expanding, reevaluating, marketing, managing, and networking in order to move forward.  As Jodi Glickman states in her article, "no one cares more about managing your career than you do."

If you would like more information about managing your career you should attend Job Club on May 5th.  I will be giving a presentation entitled, Marketing Yourself to Move Up the Ladder

Still need help?  You should contact the Workforce Development team at MPRI, 734.327.9717 x685.  In housing?  Please contact Rebecca Rowland, our Income Stability Liaison, 734.327.9717 x695.

April 26, 2011

Farm Volunteer Day 4.30

We are pleased to announce that there will be a farm day at Livingstone Community Farms on Saturday, April 30th!  This is a great opportunity to volunteer for the community, enjoy locally produced food, and hang out with great people.  If you are interested in volunteering (open to community members also) please give Amanda Harvanek a call at 734.327.9717 x377.

April 25, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

 Monday is a great time to reevaluate your priorities and your job search. For instance, have you checked out our jobs leads page updated by Emily?

If not, now is a good time to see if there is anything new that could aid you in your search.  If you are struggling with a particular job category, like manufacturing or construction,  maybe now is a good time to broaden your search.  Are there any other skills that you have that can be used in another career like retail or the restaurant industry?  I have included a link to a previous Harvard Business School link about broadening your focus.

If you think that you are interested in translating your current work skills into something new, you should contact the Workforce Development team at 734.327.9717 x685.  (In housing? Please contact Rebecca Rowland 734.327.9717 x695).

April 22, 2011

Employment Book Review

The weekend is finally here, which means that is good time to get in some good reading.  A book that I would recommend to get started is Knock Em Dead:  The Ultimate Job Search Guide by Yate Martin.  I have included a link to amazon in case you would like to take a peak inside and look at some customer reviews.

I understand that when you are looking for jobs, spending money on books about job searching may not be within your budget.  Thankfully, most communities have a local library that allows people within the library district to rent books free of charge.  If you live in the area Ypsilanti please click here for the Ypsilanti library card application, if you live in the Ann Arbor school district please click here for the Ann Arbor library card application.  Don't forget to provide proof of residence when you turn in your application (a lease, a dte bill, etc.)!

Tip:  I just checked at both libraries and the Knock 'em Dead series are available.

April 21, 2011

Job Club Thursday: Mock Interview

This evening we will be working on our mock interviewing skills!  Please come prepared to put your best foot forward as we will have guests from the community, as well as staff, helping you get adjusted to the interview process.  This is a great chance to beef up your professional skills so that when you finally do get that "real-life" interview opportunity you are ready to go.

There is no need to RSVP to this event.  Housing clients are required to come.  Community members are welcome.

April 20, 2011

Working Your Way To the Top

I hope everyone had an eventful Tuesday!  Yesterday, was our push to get people applying for and interviewing at McDonald's for their National Hiring Day.  I read an interesting article this morning about the National Hiring Day on Yahoo News.

The article brought up some interesting points about being willing to "work your way to the top," from a job that may not be your ideal, dream job.  I think that this is an important topic given the competition that surrounds the job market today.  When you have been out of work for a while, just getting your foot in the door could be a great place to jump start a career.  On May 5th, at Job Club, I will be discussing strategies for getting ready to make that next step.

In the meantime, I hope that if you interviewed during McDonald's National Hiring Day you will make sure to follow-up in a week or two to see where your application is in the hiring process.  Following up with the places you have applied to is one of the most important steps you can take to make sure that you are job searching with a competitive edge.

April 18, 2011

April 15, 2011

Seizing Opportunities

 As the warmer weather keeps rolling in, the student's at local college campuses will soon be rolling out.  This means that a lot of local business will be looking to slow the leak of turnover.  Use this to your advantage.  Check out these places*:

State Street

Ann Arbor Downtown:


Things To Remember: 
1) Dress for success
2) Have a copy of your resume, a pen, and a pad handy (you never know if they need someone right away or if they want you to fill out an application in store)
3) Know the busy times of certain industries (i.e. restaurants, shops, etc.)
4) Be friendly and wear a smile
5) Get a manager's name, and ask when you can check back about your application

*If you have location restrictions make sure you are approved to work/be at the above listed sites first.

April 13, 2011

McDonald's National Hiring Day

I just wanted to send a reminder out that Tuesday, April 19th is National Hiring Day for McDonald's.  If you are interested in participating you must have an application on file.  Please click here for more information on the program and to be taken to an application.

I will be sure to upload a reminder post on the 19th!

Tip of the Day

I thought that today I would share a link from the Harvard Business Review about showing people your good work.  I think that sometimes when we are in the midst of a job hunt we forget that we need to keep showcasing the skills we have now.  A good way to do that is to volunteer.  Volunteering with an organization that has a mission similar to your own is a good way to form networks and to show people your work ethic.  If you are looking for ways to get active in the community please contact our pro-social activities coordinator Amanda Harvanek at 734.327.9717.

Also, don't forget to check out our job leads page.  Here is the link.  Emily Smith updates the page every Monday!

April 8, 2011

MOVIE NIGHT: The Fighter

Amanda Harvanek will be hosting another movie night!  The movie, The Fighter, starts at 5:30pm.  You can click here to read a review or summary of the movie.  We look forward to seeing you there.  And don't forget that we will have pizza and pop!

To RSVP, please call 734.327.9717 x377.

April 4, 2011

Making Your Own Job Leads

I hope you found your weekend to be refreshing and full of job leads.  If not, I hope this post will help you find a job search direction. 

Every Wednesday I lead the Internet workshops for MPRI at the Michigan Works on Harriet Street, and every Wednesday I ask the same question, "how does the Internet affect your job search?"  The answer of course is, "a lot."  If you are someone who still has trouble understanding basic Internet skills I encourage you to sign up for free computer help with the Ann Arbor Public Library

If you understand the basics, but are having trouble finding the right job seeking websites then read on.

Finding a job is a full time job.  Your Internet search, despite the speed of being online, will require you to do some researching of job search websites and of the companies you find. 

The first thing that I encourage you to do is to FIND A DIRECTION.  Try to discover an industry that you feel the most qualified in applying for.

After you have found a direction you should Aggressively Check the Websites that we have linked to on our front page.  Those sites include, but are not limited to, Craigslist, Indeed, and The Michigan Talent Bank.  This may mean that you check some or all of these sites at least three times a week if not more as they are constantly being updated.  Also, don't forget to check your classified's which are now online for free!

Once you have found some job leads and responded to them online Don't Forget To Call Back those companies to find out what the status of your application is.  You never know if an employer is looking for someone with initiative...be that person.

For a list of previous job leads list please visit the job leads page.

April 1, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

It is the weekend, yet again, which means that now is the perfect time to plan your job search for next week.  In workshops, we often talk about the importance of setting goals to help you keep focused on the future and your job hunt.

Here is a great article I found called, Top Ten Reasons Why Ants Are Better Goal Setters Than You.  So click the link to find out how you can learn some things from ants.

If you are at the point in your job search where you feel yourself beginning to lose the resolve that you once had to "make it," you should check out this article called, Impossible Is Just A State of Mind.

And remember, now is the time to make the most of the weekend!

March 30, 2011

The Renewed Job Search

Everyone has heard that "finding a job is a full time job."  But what happens when you start losing steam, and each hour seems to bring more disappointment than success?  Perhaps, it's time to step back and reassess your job search.  According to the Harvard Business Review Management tip of the day, there are three questions you should ask yourself before looking for a new job. 

The first question is, What are my talents?
As you search for jobs are you applying for opportunities that utilize the things you are good at?
(If you think you need more help figuring out your talents you should check out this assessment from Michigan Works.)

The second question is, What skills do I have?
If in your job search you find that you are applying to jobs that do not match any of your previous work experiences, you may want to reassess your job strategy and consider applying for positions that you are more qualified for.

The third question, What gets me out of bed?
Finding a career opportunity that makes you excited to begin the day can help jump start your job search.  It's also a way to motivate you to find a job that matches your current skill level so that you can prepare for the career of your dreams.  Whether that preparation involves continued schooling, more on-the-job training, or getting financial help to start the business of your dreams the best thing you can do now is to keep trucking ahead with your job search. 

If you would like to receive more management tips you can sign up here.

March 29, 2011

Habitat For Humanity

The Huron Valley Habitat for Humanity is one of MPRI’s most important partners.  This partnership has allowed our clients to gain valuable volunteering experience while engaging with community members.  To date, our clients have worked on several low-income homes in the Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor area.  Their hard work has helped contribute to Habitat For Humanity's goal of revitalizing neighborhoods in the community.  In addition, our clients have gained valuable, hands-on experiences that will help build their resume.  More importantly it is a great way for our clients to start networking with members of the local community


Our next volunteer habitat day is April 2nd.  We are always looking for community volunteers to help our clients get readjusted to our community.

For more information please contact Amanda Harvanek at 734.327.9717.

March 22, 2011

Community Connection Dinner

Looking for a great opportunity to interact with the MPRI staff?  If so, our community connection dinners are a fun way to stay connected to our program by playing games (like pool, chess, and checkers) and eating pizza! 

If you are interested please contact Robby Berlin at 734.327.9717.

March 21, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

We are fast approaching the end of March, which means that is time to really buckle down on your job searches.  Emily and I teach Job Readiness workshops every Wednesday (2-4pm) and Thursday (3-4:30).  In those workshops, we cover how to use the Internet effectively for job searches and we discuss how to prepare for the job search (where to look for jobs, what to do when cold calling, etc.).  So, if you feel like you need a refresher please come and join us in the computer lab at the Michigan Works off of Harriet Street in Ypsilanti.

For a listing of the jobs leads list for March 21, 2011 please click here or visit our employment links page.

March 17, 2011

Job Club Tonight: Using Technology Effectively

 Tonight's job club topic will about using technology effectively for job hunting.  This is your chance to ask our workforce development staff about Internet or computer questions.  We all know that technology is changing the way we interact, but technology is also changing the way we get employed.  A lot of companies are switching from paper, in-store applications to online applications housed on their business website.  In addition, actual jobs are now being posted online on websites like Craigslist, Indeed, or the Michigan Talent Bank.  As I like to say in our workshops, if you don't understand computer and Internet technology you could literally be left in the dark. 

We look forward to seeing all of you at Job Club.  This event is free and open to the public.  Light refreshments will be served.

Catholic Social Services 
4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI  48108

March 7, 2011

Hitting the Pavement: The Job Leads List

Warmer weather and a new month means that it is time to spring into action on the job hunt!  Emily Smith, our workforce developer for MPRI, has put together a great job leads list for the week.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact her.

For a listing of the jobs leads list for March 7, 2011 please click here or visit our employment links page.

March 3, 2011

Job Club Thursday

Job Club is tonight.  We will be having a presentation by Becca Rowland.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

This event is free and open to the public.  Light refreshments will be served. No RSVP necessary.
Catholic Social Services 
4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI  48108

February 28, 2011

Where To Go

Have you ever wanted to know how Emily Smith, our workforce developer, gets her job leads?  The good news is that she uses sites that anyone can access.  Her main sites are:  Craigslist, MLive (Classifieds), Michigan Talent Bank, and Indeed.

Every Friday she begins by checking up on the job leads posted on each site.  She then continues to check back on each site daily until Monday.  She also calls or emails each employer to see if they hire individuals with a felony background.

If you are struggling to find jobs, this is a great place to start!

For a listing of the jobs leads list for March 28, 2011 please click here or visit our employment links page.

February 25, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

A new month is on the way.  Now is a good time to try and increase your effort to contact employers.  Below are some suggestions!

February 24, 2011

Job Club Thursday: Mock Interview

 Today at job club we will be doing Mock Interviews.  This is a great chance for our clients to interact with community members to increase their interviewing skills.  We are always looking for volunteers for future events so if you are interested or know someone who is please contact Robby Berlin 734.327.9717.

This event is free and open to the public.  Light refreshments will be served. No RSVP necessary.
Catholic Social Services 
4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI  48108

February 22, 2011

Community Connection Dinner

 This is a great chance for clients and community members to connect, have food, and play games in a fun environment!  Come out and support our returning citizens as they readjust to life back home.  Also, if you are in our program come out and interact with our staff!

If you are interested please contact Robby Berlin at 734.327.9717.

February 18, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Warmer weather is a perfect reason to hit the pavement in search of jobs.  It is also a good time to reexamine your employment goals.  Are you finding that you've been applying for jobs, and yet you still feel like something is holding you back?  Well, then it may be the perfect time to hit up some opportunities in the community.  Michigan Works has some great workshops and programs to help refresh your job search skills.  The Ann Arbor Library also has free computer workshops to help you expand your online job searching skills.  These are great resources in the community, so please take advantage of them!  Good luck!

February 17, 2011

Job Club Thursday: Elevator Speech

 Are you getting frustrated by your job search?  Do you feel like your job leads keep turning into dead ends?  Is your felony conviction holding you back from getting the job you want?  If so, then come out to job club tonight where we will be having a presentation by Emily Smith about how to create and present a short speech about your skills to people you interact with in the community.  Research has shown that one of the most effective ways to get a job is through networking.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70 percent of all jobs are found through networking.* So, let us help you unlock this powerful tool.  We look forward to seeing you at job club!

This event is free and open to the public.  Light refreshments will be served. No RSVP necessary.

Please call 734. 327.9717 if you have any questions.   

Catholic Social Services 
4925 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI  48108